Soul in Harmony

Laura Mueller

About Laura Mueller

  • Laura is a practicing holistic trainer, energy worker, and musician living in Switzerland and working to support executives and their teams in shifting perspectives, acknowledging new opportunities in the here and now. 
  • She moves energy aiming to activate and unleash the innate potential and authentic self of leaders looking for their highest calling. 
  • She helps the mind release limiting beliefs and supports this process through embodiment practices that allow the physical and mental memory to align, integrate and reshape. 
  • Throughout the past ten years, she has experienced various challenges as an employee, entrepreneur, and leader. 
  • Taking responsibility at a young age allowed her to connect with the multiple needs of business stakeholders and seek solutions to previously unsolvable challenges. 
  • Her continuous drive for healthier organizational and human ways of conducting business and entertaining dialogue have led her to today’s holistic practices centered around the human being as the core of any transformation.
  • She works intuitively, bringing in Shamanic traditions, embodiment practices, consciousness-expansion training for the mind, activating & balancing the divine feminine & masculine within us.
  • Her own experiences are both as an employee and entrepreneur, so I cover different perspectives